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Program Overview:

The NEVI Program, a $5 billion initiative, aims to provide funding for states to establish an extensive electric vehicle charging infrastructure network along public roads. This program, part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, focuses on fostering an interconnected network to enhance much-needed accessibility, reliability, and affordable fast-charging implementation for local businesses.


In summary, there are key differences between businesses filing for grant assistance alone or partnering with Opt4EV:


Handling the process alone:

  • To ensure your properties/portfolio fall within the determined range, you will need to research and confirm them according to each state's specific requirements.

  • You will have to file the grant application, including the fast-charger specifications and electricians' information, alongside your environmental statement.

  • If awarded, you will be responsible for finding approved Fast Chargers/Energy Storage systems and hiring a certified EV DCFC contractor/company for permitting, site survey, and installation.

  • Post-installation, you will bear all costs, including maintenance, software integration, and utility bills.

  • Most importantly, you will need to cover the additional 20% of expenses not covered by the grant.


With Opt as your partner:

  • We will strategically map each location and determine prequalifications.

  • We will handle the majority of paperwork necessary for filing the grant and manage the entire process.

  • Upon winning, you will incur ZERO COST. We cover 100% of the program expenses, from permitting to installation.

  • Post-installation, you will incur ZERO COST, including maintenance, software integration, insurance, and utility bills.


We look forward to discussing how Opt4 can maximize the benefits for your properties through the NEVI Program.


Please let us know a convenient time to schedule our next call. Submit your details here.

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